My Story

I was born in the southern Caribbean island of Guyana and migrated to the United States at a very young age. Being raised in Brooklyn, New York I realized my dream of becoming a physician.
As a teenager, I developed an extreme interest in the sciences, and following my graduation from Erasmus Hall High School I enrolled in Long Island University to read for a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry. In 1986 with my degree in hand, I enrolled at the New York Medical College and so my four year journey began. The next step for me would be the Brooklyn Hospital/ Syracuse Medical Centre where I gained experience in research and surgery. I was then accepted into the medical internship programme at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital (Mount Sinai Hospital); where I also completed my residency. By then it was clear to me which specialty I preferred. Trading the hot summers and exasperating winters for a warmer climate, I moved to Jacksonville, Florida to complete my Cardiology Fellowship at the Jacksonville Medical Centre. The only African American accepted into the Jacksonville cardiology programme in 1995.
From 1998 to 1999 I served as a Consultant Cardiologist across the state of Florida, gaining valuable experience and honing my skills as a cardiologist. During this time I performed numerous angiograms, AICD and pacemaker implantations.
In the following year, I moved on to McMinnville Medical Centre, Tennessee taking up the post of Head of Cardiology. This position helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the overall management of a cardiac hospital. From here Miami Heart Institute would be the next stop on my journey. This opportunity allowed me to manage the care of critically ill patients in the Intensive Care Unit.
It was important to me that I use my experiences, skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the people of the Caribbean, and so after years of thought and planning I began my medical practice in the Caribbean island of Barbados. Here I established what would become the only state of the art cardiac hospital and the only center to offer angioplasty on the island. The Sparman Clinic as it is called, caters to the medical needs of people across the region. I envisioned a hospital with a holistic approach to medical care, where patients would have access to general practitioners, a pharmacy, ambulance service, gym and cardiac rehabilitation; and forged forward to make this vision a reality.
My most recent projects include The 4H hospital. An entity which offers both regional and international tourists access to state of the art healthcare while vacationing. The 4H Hospital has now expanded its portfolio to include plastic surgery. A number of plastic surgery procedures are performed at the hospital by American board certified plastic surgeons.
I have also used my background in sciences to develop a natural herbal supplement aimed at improving the quality-of-life of persons affected by non-communicable chronic diseases. My hope is to develop new herbal supplements that are in keeping with my mantra, ‘ Keep Close to the Plant.’